The board of Jinchuan Group International Resources Co. Ltd. announced that with effect from 5 September 2018, Ms. So Yee Kwan ("Ms. So") resigned as the company secretary of the Company. Mr. Wong Hok Bun Mario ("Mr. Wong") and Ms. Sun Wei ("Ms. Sun") have been appointed as the joint company secretaries of the Company with effect from 5 September 2018. Wong also works in the finance department of the Group and, in his position, he is expected to dedicate at least 60% of his capacity for the finance and accounting work of the Group. In addition, Ms. Sun is also responsible for the management of the comprehensive risk and legal and compliance activities of the Group as a whole, with the aim of enhancing the identification, assessment and management mechanism for material risks of the Group, and providing resolutions to compliance issues as and when they occur. The Company believes that Ms. Sun's role to promote the corporate governance and continuing compliance of the Company is indispensable. Wong is currently an independent non-executive director of Good Resources Holdings Limited. Prior to joining the Group as the general legal counsel and head of the company secretary department, Ms. Sun was the general counsel of an integrated financial group registered in Hong Kong, the general counsel and the assistant to chairman of an international consultancy firm.