Nanterre, January 9th, 2013,

Whatever size or activity, every compagnies have to support technologic or organizational evolution during their development as internal reorganization, new informatic tool or migration of software, etc.

Compagnies have to face up evolutions, adpatations or transformations which imply theirs users in theses changements. Consequently, they have to set up a strong process of change management in order to assure their success.

ITS Group, expert in IT infrastructure, proposes to its customers, a close support in the entire process of setting up from the IT management to the training of the users. During a changement in a compagny, ITS Group takes part of these areas :

  • Changement : Consulting and prior study of the environment and the population impacted; help to decision making ; help to manage and organize the project.
  • Management of data : Inventory of data planned to migration, development of automic tool of transfert of data ; « People review » and Control of validity of data in the new application.
  • Training: User identification ; study befor and after training ; setting up of technical, instructive and administrative kit; training (private, in group or e-learning).
  • Support : help support for everyday life's users ; help desk ; hotline ; FAQ and Evaluations.
  • Communication : Communication plan; Promotion of internal changement with the tools of the company (intranet, email) or suggested (newsletter, videos…)and kit of first connection.

Customized and adapted to business environment, the services dedicated to the change management are a real solution to our customers who want to make easier the everyday life of their employees. These users, directly impacted, have to be managed and supervised to handle these changements in their professional activity, this is why we place the user at the heart of our approach.

With a well-known savoir-faire, our trainers and experts are the best contact for users to help them and manage them with theses new changments in their own company.

To know more about us, call our team :

Margaux DUMAS, Sales Engineer,

Odile GUENEBEAUD, Sales Manager :

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