iTeos Therapeutics, Inc. outlined business updates and strategic priorities for 2024. Program Highlights:Belrestotug (EOS-448/GSK4428859A): IgG1 anti-TIGIT monoclonal antibody targeting first-line non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) in collaboration with GSK. Preparation underway for Phase 3 registrational studies that will evaluate the belrestotug + dostarlimab doublet.

GALAXIES Lung-201: topline data from Phase 2 platform trial assessing belrestotug + dostarlimab doublet in first-line advanced/metastatic non-small cell lung cancer anticipated in 2024. GALAXIES H&N-202: enrollment ongoing in Phase 2 platform study assessing belrestotug + dostarlimab doublet and a triplet with GSK?s investigational anti-CD96 antibody (GSK?608) in first-line patients with PD-L1 positive recurrent /metastatic HNSCC. TIG-006 HNSCC: topline data from Phase 2 expansion trial assessing belrestotug + dostarlimab doublet in first-line PD-L1 positive advanced or metastatic HNSCC anticipated in 2024.

TIG-006 mNSCLC: enrollment ongoing in Phase 2 expansion trial assessing belrestotug, dostarlimab, and chemotherapy triplet in first-line advanced or metastatic NSCLC. TIG-007: the Company has deprioritized the Phase 1/2 TIG-007 trial assessing belrestotug and in combination with Bristol Myers Squibb?s iberdomide due to the evolving treatment landscape in relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma (r/r MM). Continued advancement of Phase 1b trials exploring two novel triplets in advanced solid tumors: belrestotug + dostarlimab and GSK?s investigational anti-CD96 antibody (GSK?608), and belrestotug + dostarlimab and GSK?s investigational anti-PVRIG antibody (GSK?562).

Adenosine Pathway: Inupadenant (EOS-850): insurmountable small molecule antagonist targeting adenosine A2A receptor in second-line NSCLC. A2A-005: topline data from the dose escalation portion of the Phase 2 trial with inupadenant and platinum-doublet chemotherapy in post-IO metastatic non-squamous NSCLC anticipated in late 2024 IO-001: completed enrollment of the Phase 2 IO-001 monotherapy high biomarker trial in advanced solid tumors. The Company plans to integrate IO-001 biomarker knowledge into the development strategy of future inupadenant clinical trials.

EOS-984: first-in-class small molecule targeting equilibrative nucleoside transporter 1 (ENT1), a dominant transporter of adenosine on lymphocytes involved in T cell metabolism, expansion, effector function, and survival Preclinical mechanism of action data anticipated in the second quarter of 2024. Topline data from the Phase 1 dose escalation trial in advanced malignancies anticipated in the second half of 2024.