This is an English convenience translation of the original Hebrew version. In case of any
discrepancy, the binding version is the Hebrew original

Israel Corporation Ltd.

Registrar Number: 520028010

Securities of the Corporation are listed in the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange

Sort name: Israel Corporation

Address: P.O.B. 20456, Tel Aviv 61204

Tel: 03-6844517, 6844500, Fax: 03-6844587


Form 121 Public

Date of Transmission: 19/1/2014

Reference: 2013-01-018202


The Securities Authority


The Tel Aviv Stock Exchange

Immediate Report

The Event: ORL - A lawsuit and a motion for certification of class action
The Company hereby announces that on January 16, 2014, it has received a lawsuit and a motion for certification of class action, as were filled with the Tel-Aviv district court, the department of financial affairs, by a shareholder of Oil Refineries Ltd. ("ORL"). The lawsuit was filed against ORL, the Company, Israel Petrochemical Enterprises Ltd, as well as against ORL's CEO at the relevant time and ORL's CFO.
The lawsuit and motion for certification of class action claims, mainly, that ORL has breached its applicable reporting duties, due to the nature in which it has presented credit provided to it by suppliers and a transaction for inventory availability in its reports.
The plaintiff has estimated the damage caused to ORL's shareholders at the relevant time in approx. 135 million dollars.
The date when the event first became known to the corporation: January 16, 2014
Time: 18:00
The name of the authorized signatory to the report and the name of the authorized electronic signatory: Maya Alcheh-Kaplan
Position: Vice President, General Counsel and Company Secretary
Date of signing: January 19, 2014

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