Bank of Latvia has approved, and the Company Register has registered Ivita Asare, the former member of the bank's supervisory board, as a member of the management board of INDEXO Bank on July 3rd of this year. By joining the management board of INDEXO Bank, Ivita Asare has left her previous positions on the supervisory boards of INDEXO Bank and IPAS Indexo. A professional with experience in the banking sector, finance and good governance is being sought to fill this vacancy.

Ivita Asare has more than twenty years of experience in various finance management related positions in the banking industry. From 2001 to 2019, she led various financial, supervisory, and business planning areas at Nordea Bank's Latvian branch and later at Luminor Bank Group. Since 2017, Ivita Asare has also been a Board member of Luminor Bank in Latvia.

She has received business education from the Stockholm School of Economics in Riga and the Riga Technical University's Business Institute. Ivita Asare is well-acquainted with the INDEXO Bank project as she began working on the new bank's establishment with the INDEXO founders back in 2019. In addition to her work in the financial sector, Ivita Asare worked as a teacher at Dobele State Gymnasium for three years, teaching entrepreneurship and economics to young people.

Simultaneously, Ivita Asare will retain her position on the supervisory board of Indexo Atklatais Pensiju Fonds AS. I. Asare owns 900 shares of IPAS Indexo.