SleepScore Labs announced an unprecedented partnership with International Flavors & Fragrances (IFF), a leading innovator of taste, scent and nutrition and ingredients, to create and validate products designed to support healthier lives through improved sleep. This partnership is groundbreaking in the world of consumer sleep products, where mostly anecdotal evidence abounds around sleep improvement products, rather than scientific proof. Scent, specifically, has significant potential as a non-invasive, non-addicting means of supporting sleep. With over 70% of the developed world impacted by poor sleep and the resulting adverse effects on overall health, weight and productivity, IFF recognized SleepScore Labs was uniquely positioned to help them identify the most promising scent ingredients to test, and then support those findings with more robust scientific field research. Since the start of 2018, both companies have been collaborating on a sleep fragrance, and have gathered over 6,500 nights of objective sleep data together. As a first step in this collaboration, SleepScore clinically tested an initial scent creation prototype – a pillow spray -- specifically designed to support healthy sleep. Results of the counter-balanced, double-blind, placebo-controlled study revealed the scent provided the greatest benefit to healthy sleepers. Objective sleep measurement showed participants spent 26% less time awake at night after falling asleep when they used the scent. These scientifically-proven results support the development of new product categories designed to help consumers sleep better. To obtain the insights, SleepScore Labs scientists conducted a study to test the effectiveness of a scented pillow spray over 800 nights, taking both self-reported data and objective sleep measures every night. Objective sleep measures, which is critical to understanding the potential value scented products have on sleep, were collected using SleepScore technology powered by ResMed, a pioneering authority on innovative medical devices that help people lead healthier, higher-quality lives. For over a decade, SleepScore Labs has studied millions of hours of sleep in an effort to help people live happier, healthier and more productive lives. The partnership with IFF reinforces SleepScore Labs’ commitment to ensuring consumers purchase products that not only claim to optimize sleep, but also help consumers achieve a more complete, restful night’s sleep.