Instructure, Inc. announced the release of Practice for primary and secondary teachers. Practice provides an effective, scalable solution to train and support high quality teachers. Practice creates a low-risk environment for every teacher to develop both competence and confidence, regardless of phase, subject area, or style of pedagogy. The web video-based professional development tool gives teachers the opportunity to 'learn by doing' and receive timely, meaningful and actionable peer and expert feedback as part of continuing professional development (CPD). The cycle of use for Practice is formed of four key stages. Firstly, teachers learn a new skill by doing, practising instructional delivery skills and teaching methodologies before sharing a video of this in action for example, delivering a subject-specific plenary. Next, fellow teachers assess one another's videos where they give and receive feedback. Teachers then watch best practice videos and self reflect on their own practice. Finally, teachers receive feedback from mentors and coaches, helping to widely share the specific expertise and skills of top teachers. Recent figures from the Teacher Development Trust have concluded that despite the essential nature of continued training and development in ensuring that teachers are able to deliver high quality education, over 20,000 teachers work in schools where there is no budget for continued professional development at all.