Industrial Nanotech, Inc. announced that the Company is launching SteelTile a new extreme high-temperature thermal insulation product for use on steel mill furnaces and other extreme high temperature, energy-intensive industrial equipment. The US steel manufacturing industry has been one of the leading industries focused on reducing the amount of energy used to make their products. The industry has reduced its energy use per shipped ton of steel by more than 60% since the end of World War II and continues to be a priority for the industry.

In Europe, the focus has intensified recently due to energy price/supply insecurity. UK steelmaker British Steel said the spiraling energy bills cannot be absorbed and are putting the UK steel industry at a significant competitive disadvantage. The Company's first specification, prepared for US Steel, shows an annual energy savings of $1,722,220.81 for just one of their large steel mill furnaces.

SteelTile for that large furnace only cost the customer $1,129,944.00, which means the payback period for the customer to recoup their initial investment is 7.87 months and they save $1,722,220.81 per every 12-month period after that.