IBS Cloud Solutions are the industry's most secure offering available with service level agreements with guaranteed performance. IBS Cloud applications are scalable and designed specifically for the changing needs of distributors and manufacturers. IBS Cloud applications combine the expertise of 3,000 implementations across 40 countries to enable faster deployment of critical IBS applications like IBS Business Intelligence, Mobility, Sales, Service, Warehouse and Supply Chain Management.

IBS Cloud applications are designed to prove benefits such as lower IT cost through fixed monthly fees, reduced business risk, faster time to value and greater flexibility combined with the advanced functionality of the IBS industry-leading ERP and Supply Chain solutions.

Greater Affordability

IBS Cloud Solutions allow you to truly change the economics of your business by lowering upfront capital investment with a predictable, subscription-based pricing model. Additionally, moving to the cloud helps you reduce high infrastructure and overhead costs while eliminating idle resource expenses by having IBS experts manage the infrastructure and take care of maintenance and upgrades.

Accelerated Business Value

IBS Cloud Solutions deploy rapidly via our IBS FasTrax methodology, which reduces implementation time to as little as 12 weeks. You are able to streamline critical business processes and enhance return on investment by giving employees the tailored tools they need to work more productively.

Increased Flexibility

IBS Cloud Solutions improve business agility because you are able to respond to market conditions and business pressures on-demand with an elastic pricing model and scalable infrastructure - all without the need of new hardware or staff.

Flexible licensing options enable you to leverage as much service as you need. Plus, deployment through the cloud allows you to customize solutions to meet specific business requirements.

Reduced Risk with Reliable Hosting

With IBS Cloud Solutions, you can reduce risk by leveraging superior infrastructure and service. All processing, storage and backup requirements are hosted at fully redundant facilities offering the highest levels of system availability. This world-class infrastructure provides guaranteed service levels, which means you enjoy reliable stability, performance, disaster recovery and security. We also have the award-winning IBS Integrator product, which allows you to resolve any number of business management requirements by easily and quickly integrating all your Cloud and on-premise systems.

Realize the full benefits and efficiencies of Cloud computing with IBS Cloud Solutions, one of the most affordable and flexible solutions designed to reduce costs, raise revenues and increase overall business profitability.

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