Digipath, Inc. announced that it has entered into a Validation Agreement (VA) with CASPR Technologies, a leader in smart environmental indoor technology for healthcare and other spaces. CASPR (Continuous Air & Surface Pathogen Reduction), is intent on entering the cannabis industry with its market leading technology, proven in other verticals including healthcare, transportation, restaurants, education, churches and more. Under the terms of the agreement, Digipath will test and validate the efficacy of CASPRs technology in botanical applications, specifically cannabis and hemp.

CASPR Technologies will be providing Digipath with a proprietary CASPR powered Smart ToteTM, a device which could provide cannabis growers with the ability to mitigate any yeast and mold microbial contamination while drying and curing. Digipath will provide ongoing testing to verify and validate the results as new developments and products are created. New data will be compared to the tens of thousands of data points compiled by Digipath and kept in the Digipath Data Vault over the past six years.

All validation tests will include both PCR and plating to test for microbial contamination as well as analytical tests for any possible effects on cannabinoids and terpenes. Digipath will also complete heavy metals and pesticides analysis to again, insure efficacy of the CASPR device.