Hybrid Power Solutions Inc. announced that its recently announced distribution partner, Colony Hardware, has already sold out of Hybrid's products in one of their two large warehouses. In response to the strong demand, Colony Hardware has placed a larger restocking order. This strategic collaboration aims to expand the reach of Hybrid's innovative power products and drive substantial revenue growth.

The rapid sellout and subsequent restocking order underscore the immediate success of the distribution partnership between Hybrid Power Solutions and Colony Hardware, which was announced on June 6, 2024. The partnership aims to expand the reach of Hybrid's innovative power products through Colony Hardware's extensive network of 64 locations across the United States. The larger restocking order from Colony Hardware demonstrates the scalability of Hybrid Power Solutions' manufacturing capabilities and the company's readiness to meet growing demand.

The company remains committed to providing reliable, sustainable power solutions to industries in need through its expanding distribution network. Hybrid Power Solutions continues to focus on advancing its fuel-free power technology and supporting the transition to sustainable energy across various industries. The company's expanding distribution network and growing sales are key indicators of the increasing adoption of its innovative power solutions.