Tesoro Enterprises, Inc. announced the launch of its new collection on HUMBL Studios, called HUMBL x SHOP. The online shop will offer affordable HUMBL clothing and merchandise for supporters of the HUMBL brand, as well as further memorabilia and collectibles. HUMBL Studios will also be launching limited quantity HUMBL x Collections that will be recorded on the blockchain, through the use of a new technology called: Origin Assurance™. This will include memorabilia and collectible items that will be some of the world’s first such items to be catalogued and tracked on blockchain – such as skateboards, motorcycles, artworks, posters and more. To combat counterfeiting of limited-edition memorabilia and collections, the company will leverage new technologies like product tokenization, blockchain data insertion and cryptographic signatures to combat counterfeiting of unique goods. Customers will receive certificates of Origin Assurance™ authenticity and individual blockchain tracking identifiers, as well as an immutable third-party blockchain registry, where customers can track their possessions or list them for sale on secondary markets, over time, using the HUMBL Token Engine.