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(Incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability)


This is a voluntary announcement made by Hsin Chong Construction Group Ltd. (the
The Company hereby announces that on 27 March 2015, �'if*WJI�JJRlf�0PJ (Outlet Property Investment Guangdong Ltd.*) ("Outlet Property Guangdong"), a wholly- owned subsidiary of the Company incorporated in China, entered into a trust loan agreement (the "Trust Loan Agreement") with Bohai International Trust Co., Ltd. ("Bohai International Trust"). Pursuant to which Bohai International Trust grants Outlet Property Guangdong a trust loan of RMB750,000,000 (the "Loan") for a one-year term at an interest rate of 7.6% per annum.
Outlet Property Guangdong secures the Loan by pledging its three pieces of land at the land parcel "Ninety-nine Gang, Dushugang Village, Lubao County, Sanshui District, Foshan City, Guangdong Province, China" (land certification numbers: Fo San Guo Yong (2009) No.
20094100161, 20094100162 and 20094100163).
On 29 March 2015, the Company entered into a guarantee contract (the "Guarantee Contract") with Bohai International Trust pursuant to which the Company agreed to provide a guarantee for all the liabilities of Outlet Property Guangdong under the Trust Loan Agreement. The scope of the guarantee under the Guarantee Contract covers all the liabilities of Outlet Property Guangdong under the Trust Loan Agreement, including but not limited to all principals and interests (compound interests and penalty interests), liquidated damages, compensations and so on. The guarantee period shall commence on the date of the Guarantee Contract until two years after the performance term for the liabilities under the Trust Loan Agreement expired.

* for identification purposes only


Directors of the Company (including the Independent Non-executive Directors) believe that the terms of the Guarantee Contract are on normal commercial terms and the entering into the Guarantee Contract is in the interest of the Company and the shareholders of the Company as a whole.
By order of the Board of

Hsin Chong Construction Group Ltd. Wilfred WONG Ying Wai

Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

Hong Kong, 1 April 2015

As at the date of this announcement, the Board comprises Dr. Wilfred WONG Ying Wai (Chairman and Chief Executive Officer), Mr. Joseph CHOI Kin Hung and Mr. ZHOU Wei as Executive Directors; Mr. Clifford King CHIU, Mr. ZHANG Xiaoying and Mr. YAN Jie as Non-executive Directors; and Dr. Joseph CHOW Ming Kuen, Mr. CHENG Sui Sang, Mr. GAO Jingyuan and Ms. LEE Jai Ying as Independent Non-executive Directors.


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