The board of directors of HSC Resources Group Limited (the Company and together with its subsidiaries, the Group) hereby announced that with effect from 5 June 2024, Mr. Ghanshyam Adhikari (Mr. Adhikari) shall be appointed as an Independent Non-executive Director of the Company. The biographical details of Mr. Adhikari are set out as follows: Mr. Adhikari, aged 42, obtained his Master Degree in Education from Tribhuvan University and Bachelor's Degree in British Literature from Mahendra Multiple Campus. Mr. Adhikari has over 15 years of experience in corporate management, marketing and public relations management.

Mr. Adhikari will enter into a service contract with the Company in his capacity as an Independent Non-executive Director for an initial term of three years which is renewable annually thereafter, subject to retirement by rotation and re-election at annual general meetings of the Company under the articles of association of the Company.