Hi Sun Technology (China) Limited Provided Consolidated Earnings Guidance for the Six Months Ending 30 June 2024. For the period, the Group is expected to record a significant decrease in operating profit, or even an operating loss as compared to the operating profit of approximately HKD 69.7 million for the six months ended 30 June 2023 (?INTERIM 2023?). The significant decrease in operating profit or even an operating loss is primarily attributable to the further replacement of the traditional payment market by digital payments and additional resources allocated to the overseas and cross-border businesses.

While the digital services business is still in the expansion stage, the handling fee rate of digital payment is lower than that of traditional payment. As such, it has resulted in a decrease in revenue and operating profit during the relevant period. Despite the expected short-term pressure during the phase of transformation, the Group firmly believes that this strategic adjustment will lay the cornerstone for more stable development in the future.