Hexza Corporation Berhad announced that Dr. Beh Seng Kee appointed as Chief Executive Officer. Date of change: 08 Jun 2022. In 1999, he joined Chemical Industries (Malaya) Sdn.

Bhd. as General Manager and Director of the company, where he was involved in the management of the company until 2005. From 2005 to 2007, he was transferred to Norsechem Resins Sdn.

Berhad as the Director/General Manager as he has extensive experience in resins and timber industries, he was involved in overseeing the operations of the company. After leaving the Group, he joined QL Palm Pellet Sdn. Bhd.

in July 2008 as Executive Director and was responsible for overseeing the operations as well as formulating and executing the business strategies and policies of the company. Subsequently, he was engaged as the project director of Scomi Platinum Sdn. Bhd.

prior to re-joining Chemical Industries (Malaya) Sdn. Bhd. as Director/General Manager.

Then, after completing his contract with the Group and he joined Carlbeck Bottlers in 2020 as Consultant.