HAVN Life Sciences Inc. announced it has secured a distribution deal with Jonluca Enterprises Inc. for the company's line of natural health products, launched in June of last year. The deal will enable HAVN Life products to be distributed nationally through purveyors of natural and organic products. Securing this distribution deal with Jonluca underpins the expansion of HAVN Life's retail and distribution network, which now includes Calgary Co-op locations in Alberta, Choices Market and Nesters Market locations in B.C., as well as online retailers Well.ca and Amazon.ca and Amazon.com, and through their own ecommerce site, yourhavnlife.com, shipping across North America and internationally.

HAVN Life formulations are non-GMO, vegan, bioavailable, naturally-derived from functional mushrooms and other plants and created with human optimization in mind. The natural health product line has been thoughtfully formulated with adaptogens and antioxidants to support overall brain health, with natural compounds that are proven to support memory, focus, energy, and overall cognitive function.