Harbin Bank Co., Ltd. announced that the Shareholders have considered and approved the appointment of: (1) Mr. Zhao Zhifeng, Mr. Liu Peiwei and Mr. Cheng Shuai as non-executive Directors; and (2) Mr. Chen Ming and Ms. Leung Sau Fan, Sylvia as independent non-executive Directors. The qualifications of newly appointed Directors, namely Mr. Zhao Zhifeng, Mr. Liu Peiwei, Mr. Cheng Shuai, Mr. Chen Ming and Ms. Leung Sau Fan, Sylvia, are subject to the approval by the Heilongjiang Office of the National Financial Regulatory Administration. Mr. Sun Yan and Mr. Zhang Zheng, each an independent non-executive Director of the Eighth Session of the Board, will not serve as Directors of the Ninth Session of the Board after the conclusion of the EGM.

Before the qualifications of new Directors being approved, Mr. Zhao Hongbo and Mr. Lang Shufeng, each a non-executive Director of the Eighth Session of the Board, and Mr. Sun Yan and Mr. Zhang Zheng, each an independent non-executive Director of the Eighth Session of the Board, shall continue to perform their directors' duties under the relevant requirements of laws and regulations as well as the Articles of Association. Each of them has confirmed that he had no disagreement with the Board and there was no matter relating to his retirement that needs to be brought to the attention of the Shareholders and the creditors of the Company. The Board would like to express its sincere gratitude to Mr. Zhao Hongbo, Mr. Yu Hong, Mr. Lang Shufeng, Mr. Sun Yan and Mr. Zhang Zheng for their contributions to the Company during their tenure of service.

The Board announce that at the EGM, the Shareholders have considered and approved the Ms. Chen Wei as a Shareholder representative Supervisor of the Ninth Session of the Board of Supervisors of the Company; and have considered and approved the appointment of Mr. Jiang Minghui as an external Supervisor of the Ninth Session of the Board of Supervisors of the Company. As disclosed in the announcement of the Company dated 2 July 2024. Upon election by the Board, the composition of the special committees under the Ninth Session of the Board of the Company is as follows: (1) Development Strategy Committee.

Chairman: Deng Xinquan. Member: Yao Chunhe, Leung Sau Fan, Sylvia, Liu Peiwei. (2) Risk Management and Related Transactions Control Committee.

Chairman: Jin Qinglu. Member: Hou Bojian, Chen Ming, Zhang Xianjun. (3) Nomination and Remuneration Evaluation Committee.

Chairman: Chen Ming. Member: Hou Bojian, Leung Sau Fan, Sylvia, Zhao Zhifeng. (4) Audit Committee.

Chairman: Jin Qinglu. Member: Hou Bojian, Leung Sau Fan, Sylvia, Cheng Shuai. (5) Consumer Rights Protection Committee.

Chairman: Chen Ming. Member: Yao Chunhe, Zhang Xianjun, Cheng Shuai.