Haitong Securities Co., Ltd. provided earning guidance for year 2019. Upon the preliminary review of financial information by the finance department of the Company, the profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company realized for the year of 2019 is expected to increase around RMB 4,168.8746 million to RMB 4,481.5402 million by 80% to 86% compared with that for the corresponding period of last year. The profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company after deducting non-recurring gain or loss realized for the year of 2019 is expected to increase around RMB 4,176.2165 million to RMB 4,464.2315 million by 87% to 93% compared with that for the corresponding period of last year. During the Reporting Period, the Company captured market opportunities, strengthened its assessment and optimized its mechanism. It further stimulated the vitality of traditional brokerage, investment banking, asset management and other business activities, enriched the connotation of capital intermediary business, and optimized the allocation of capital. The incomes derived from the Company's various businesses increased compared with the previous year, and the profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company increased significantly.