In accordance with the requirements of the Shanghai Stock Exchange ("SSE"), Guangshen Railway Company Limited (the "Company") is required to issue a third quarterly report.

The financial information set out in this quarterly report has not been audited, and has been prepared in accordance with the PRC Enterprise Accounting Standards.

This announcement is made in accordance with Rule 13.09(2)(a) and 13.10B of the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited.




The board of directors, supervisory committee, directors, supervisors and senior management of the Company warrant that the contents of this quarterly report are authentic, accurate and complete, and there are no misrepresentations or misleading statements contained in or material omissions from this quarterly report, and severally and jointly accept the related legal responsibility.


Mr. Wu Yong, Chairman of the Company, Mr. Hu Lingling, General Manager, Mr. Luo Xinpeng, Chief Accountant and Mr. Liu Qiyi, Chief of Finance Department hereby declare that the authenticity, accuracy and completeness of the financial statements contained in this quarterly report are warranted.


Whether the third quarterly financial statements were audited

☐ Yes ☒ No

- 1 -


Principal financial information


Principal Accounting Information and Financial Indicators

Unit: ¥ Currency: RMB


This reporting
decrease as
with the
period of last

year (%)
From the
beginning of the
year to the end of
the reporting

decrease from
the beginning
of the year

to the end of
the reporting

with the
period of last

year (%)

Revenues from operation

5,279,474,277 29.03 14,947,451,817 29.43

Net profit attributable to shareholders of listed company

(260,456,104 ) N/A (255,283,646 ) N/A

Net profit attributable to shareholders of listed company after extraordinary gain or loss

(263,998,947 ) N/A (255,659,310 ) N/A

Net cash flow from operating activities

N/A N/A 301,893,875 (71.60 )

Basic earnings per share (¥/share)

(0.037 ) N/A (0.036 ) N/A

Diluted earnings per share (¥/share)

(0.037 ) N/A (0.036 ) N/A

Weighted average return on net assets (%)

(0.93 ) N/A (0.91 ) N/A
At the end of this
reporting period
At the end of last
at the end
of the
with the
end of
last year

Total assets

37,467,765,557 36,780,451,862 1.87

Owners' equity attributable to shareholders of the listed company

28,016,100,897 28,192,839,252 (0.63 )
Note: (1)

"This reporting period" refers to the three-month period from the beginning of this quarter to the end of this quarter, the same as below;


Return on net assets represents the difference between the amounts of "Increase/decrease as compared with the same period of last year (%)".

- 2 -


Extraordinary gain or loss items and amounts

Unit: ¥ Currency: RMB


Amount for this
reporting period
Amount from the
beginning of the
year to the end of the
reporting period

Gain or loss on disposal of non- current assets (including the write-off portion of the provision for impairment of assets)

(1,148,281 ) (15,632,513 )

Government grants included in profit or loss for the period, other than government grants closely related to the normal operation of the Company and granted on an on-going basis in accordance with specific standard amount or quantity in compliance with national policies

2,650,248 9,945,967

Other non-operating income and expenses other than aforesaid items

2,743,628 6,246,125

Less: Effect of income tax

670,314 118,932

Effect of minority interests (after tax)

32,438 64,983


3,542,843 375,664

Note: Extraordinary losses are expressed in negative figures.

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Changes of key accounting items and financial indicators and reasons for changes

☒ Applicable ☐ Not applicable



Major Reason

Net profit attributable to shareholders of listed company _ This reporting period (July to September)

N/A Operating revenue increased from July to September and the increase was greater than the increase in operating costs.

Net profit attributable to shareholders of listed company after extraordinary gain or loss _ This reporting period (July to September)

N/A Same as above.

Basic earnings per share _ This reporting period (July to September)

N/A Same as above.

Diluted earnings per share _ This reporting period (July to September)

N/A Same as above.

Weighted average return on net assets _ This reporting period (July to September)

N/A Same as above.

Net profit attributable to shareholders of listed company _ From the beginning of the year to the end of the reporting period (January to September)

N/A Operating revenue increased from January to September and the increase was greater than the increase in operating costs.

Net profit attributable to shareholders of listed company after extraordinary gain or loss _ From the beginning of the year to the end of the reporting period (January to September)

N/A Same as above.

Basic earnings per share _ From the beginning of the year to the end of the reporting period (January to September)

N/A Same as above.

Diluted earnings per share _ From the beginning of the year to the end of the reporting period (January to September)

N/A Same as above.

Weighted average return on net assets _ From the beginning of the year to the end of the reporting period (January to September)

N/A Same as above.

Net cash flow from operating activities _ From the beginning of the year to the end of the reporting period (January to September)

(71.60 ) Resulted from increase in operating cash outflow.

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Total number of ordinary shareholders and number of preference shareholders with restored voting rights and shareholdings of the top ten shareholders

Unit: Share

Total number of ordinary shareholders at the end of the reporting period


Total number of preference shareholders with restored voting rights at the end of the reporting period (if any)


Shareholdings of the top ten shareholders

Name of shareholder

Nature of shareholder

Number of
shares held

of shares

Share pledged,
marked or frozen

China Railway Guangzhou Group Co., Ltd.

State-owned legal


2,629,451,300 37.12 - Nil -


Foreign legal person 1,478,777,859 20.88 - Nil -

Lin Naigang

Domestic natural


124,000,000 1.75 - Nil -

Hong Zejun

Domestic natural


105,000,000 1.48 - Nil -

Li Wei

Domestic natural


35,946,201 0.51 - Nil -

Taiyuan Iron and Steel (Group) Co., Ltd.

State-owned legal


30,771,989 0.43 - Nil -

Harvest Fund - Agricultural Bank of China - Harvest CSI Financial Asset Management Plan

Other 28,101,600 0.40 - Nil -

Yinhua Fund - Agricultural Bank of China - Yinhua CSI Financial Assets Management Scheme

Other 26,814,300 0.38 - Nil -

Central European Fund - Agricultural Bank of China - Central European CSI Financial Asset Management Plan

Other 26,436,800 0.37 - Nil -

Southern Asset Management - Agricultural Bank of China

- Southern CSI Financial Assets Management Scheme

Other 24,907,300 0.35 - Nil -

- 5 -

Top ten holders of shares without selling restrictions

Name of shareholder

Number of
shares held
without selling


Class and number of shares



China Railway Guangzhou Group Co., Ltd.

2,629,451,300 RMB ordinary shares 2,629,451,300


1,478,777,859 RMB ordinary shares 61,859,560
Overseas listed
foreign shares

Lin Naigang

124,000,000 RMB ordinary shares 124,000,000

Hong Zejun

105,000,000 RMB ordinary shares 105,000,000

Li Wei

35,946,201 RMB ordinary shares 35,946,201

Taiyuan Iron and Steel (Group) Co., Ltd.

30,771,989 RMB ordinary shares 30,771,989

Harvest Fund - Agricultural Bank of China - Harvest CSI Financial Asset Management Plan

28,101,600 RMB ordinary shares 28,101,600

Yinhua Fund - Agricultural Bank of China-Yinhua CSI Financial Assets Management Scheme

26,814,300 RMB ordinary shares 26,814,300

Central European Fund - Agricultural Bank of China - Central European CSI Financial Asset Management Plan

26,436,800 RMB ordinary shares 26,436,800

Southern Asset Management - Agricultural Bank of China - Southern CSI Financial Assets Management Scheme

24,907,300 RMB ordinary shares 24,907,300

Statement regarding the connected relationship or acting in concert arrangements of the above shareholders

The Company is not aware of any of the above
shareholders being connected or acting in concert as
defined in the "Administrative Measures on
Acquisitions of Listed Companies" (《上市公司收購管

Description of the top ten shareholders and top ten shareholders holding shares without selling restrictions participate in margin financing and securities lending and refinancing business (if any)

Li Wei holds a total of 35,946,201 shares of the
Company, including 3,938,201 shares held through
ordinary securities accounts and 32,008,000 shares held
through credit securities accounts.


61,859,560 A shares and 1,416,918,299 H shares of the Company were held by HKSCC NOMINEES LIMITED in the capacity of various clients.

- 6 -


Other Reminders

☐ Applicable ☒ Not applicable


Quarterly Financial Statements


Type of Audit Opinion

☐ Applicable ☒ Not applicable


Financial Statements

Combined Balance Sheet

30 September, 2021

Prepared by: Guangshen Railway Company Limited Unit: ¥ Currency: RMB Audit type: Unaudited


30 September 2021 31 December 2020

Current Asset:

Bank balances and cash

1,530,410,316 1,545,232,043

Trade receivables

4,818,838,268 3,721,676,955


8,298,037 5,124,452

Other receivables

363,084,654 595,861,776


299,285,647 296,405,900

Other current assets

51,724,355 94,535,587

Total current assets

7,071,641,277 6,258,836,713

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Combined Balance Sheet (Continued)

30 September, 2021

Prepared by: Guangshen Railway Company Limited Unit: ¥ Currency: RMB Audit type: Unaudited


30 September 2021 31 December 2020

Non-current assets:

Debt Investments

160,000,000 160,000,000

Long-term receivables

19,430,221 23,733,581

Long-term equity investments

221,440,642 196,848,985

Investment in other equity instruments

377,631,199 377,631,199

Fixed assets

23,061,347,188 23,016,083,082


2,532,726,055 2,778,675,953

Right-of-use assets

1,341,301,976 1,352,498,274

Intangible assets

1,793,683,001 1,831,303,551


281,254,606 281,254,606

Long-term prepaid expenses

66,867,483 43,888,542

Deferred income tax assets

507,891,423 422,953,733

Other non-current assets

32,550,486 36,743,643

Total non-current assets

30,396,124,280 30,521,615,149

Total assets

37,467,765,557 36,780,451,862

Current liabilities:

Trade payables

5,271,849,726 4,988,615,141

Contract liabilities

91,856,401 215,305,381

Staff remuneration payable

467,491,717 442,701,969

Tax payable

57,252,229 63,638,806

Other payables

1,318,161,659 1,357,761,713

Other non-current liabilities

4,654,040 14,833,718

Non-current liabilities due within one year

62,727,500 61,880,000

Total current liabilities

7,273,993,272 7,144,736,728

- 8 -

Combined Balance Sheet (Continued)

30 September, 2021

Prepared by: Guangshen Railway Company Limited Unit: ¥ Currency: RMB Audit type: Unaudited


30 September 2021 31 December 2020

Non-current liabilities:

Lease liabilities

1,319,973,120 1,315,693,163

Deferred income

838,161,209 104,938,887

Deferred income tax liabilities

57,043,016 58,912,559

Total non-current liabilities

2,215,177,345 1,479,544,609

Total liabilities

9,489,170,617 8,624,281,337

Owners' equity (or shareholders' equity):

Paid-in capital (or share capital)

7,083,537,000 7,083,537,000

Capital reserves

11,562,657,448 11,562,657,448

Other comprehensive income

181,940,940 181,940,940

Appropriative reserves

79,382,523 -

Surplus reserves

3,084,484,724 3,084,484,726

Retained earnings

6,024,098,262 6,280,219,138

Total equity attributable to owners of the parent (or shareholders' equity)

28,016,100,897 28,192,839,252

Minority interests

(37,505,957 ) (36,668,727 )

Total owners' equity (or shareholders' equity)

27,978,594,940 28,156,170,525

Total liabilities and owners' equity (or shareholders' equity)

37,467,765,557 36,780,451,862

Chairman: Wu Yong General Manager: Hu Lingling

Chief Accountant: Luo Xinpeng Chief of Finance Department: Liu Qiyi

- 9 -

Combined Statement of Profit

January to September 2021

Prepared by: Guangshen Railway Company Limited Unit: ¥ Currency: RMB Audit type: Unaudited


First three quarters of
(January to September)
First three quarters of
(January to September)

I. Total revenues from operation

14,947,451,817 11,548,681,016

Include: Revenues from operation

14,947,451,817 11,548,681,016

II. Total operating costs

15,318,144,339 12,985,021,964

Include: Operating costs

15,085,154,253 12,727,034,730

Business tax and surcharges

37,816,207 20,532,021

Management expenses

165,186,966 215,249,930

Finance costs

29,986,913 22,205,283

Include:Interest expense

50,643,028 43,225,843

Interest income

22,025,689 22,330,939

Loss from credit impairment (loss denoted by "-")

3,924,763 (10,554,166 )

Add: Other gains

9,945,967 14,004,435

Gains from investments (loss denoted by "-")

34,393,484 24,680,727

Include: Gains from investments in associates and joint ventures

24,591,656 16,945,457

III. Profit from operation (loss denoted by "-")

(322,428,308 ) (1,408,209,952 )

Add: Non-operating income

9,054,470 6,359,748

Less: Non-operating expenses

18,869,057 34,732,323

IV. Gross profit (gross loss denoted by "-")

(332,242,895 ) (1,436,582,527 )

Less: Income tax expenses

(76,122,019 ) (320,702,731 )

- 10 -

Combined Statement of Profit (Continued)

January to September 2021

Prepared by: Guangshen Railway Company Limited Unit: ¥ Currency: RMB Audit type: Unaudited


First three quarters of
(January to September)
First three quarters of
(January to September)

V. Net profit (net loss denoted by "-")

(256,120,876 ) (1,115,879,796 )

(I) Classification by continuous operations

1. Net profit from continuous operations (net loss denoted by "-")

(256,120,876 ) (1,115,879,796 )

2. Net profit from discontinued operations (net loss denoted by "-")

- -

(II) Classification by ownership

1. Net profit attributable to shareholders of the parent (net loss denoted by "-")

(255,283,646 ) (1,116,783,823 )

2. Profit or loss of minority shareholders (net loss denoted by "-")

(837,230 ) 904,027

VI. Net other comprehensive income after tax

- -

VII. Total comprehensive income

(256,120,876 ) (1,115,879,796 )

(I) Total comprehensive income attributable to owners of the parent

(255,283,646 ) (1,116,783,823 )

(II) Total comprehensive income attributable to minority shareholders

(837,230 ) 904,027

VIII. Earnings per share:

(I) Basic earnings per share (¥/share)

(0.036 ) (0.158 )

(II) Diluted earnings per share (¥/share)

(0.036 ) (0.158 )

Chairman: Wu Yong General Manager: Hu Lingling

Chief Accountant: Luo Xinpeng Chief of Finance Department: Liu Qiyi

- 11 -

Combined Cash Flow Statement

January to September 2021

Prepared by: Guangshen Railway Company Limited Unit: ¥ Currency: RMB Audit type: Unaudited


First three quarters of
(January to September)
First three quarters of
(January to September)

I. Cash flows from operating activities:

Cash received from sales of goods or rendering of services

11,854,204,007 8,893,639,316

Cash received relating to other operating activities

113,794,407 198,938,081

Sub-total of cash inflows from operating activities

11,967,998,414 9,092,577,397

Cash paid for goods purchased and services accepted

5,260,908,117 2,591,999,085

Cash paid to and on behalf of employees

5,859,496,580 4,909,426,045

Tax paid

338,828,531 438,955,284

Cash paid relating to other operating activities

206,871,311 89,136,261

Sub-total of cash outflows from operating activities

11,666,104,539 8,029,516,675

Net cash flows from operating activities

301,893,875 1,063,060,722

II. Cash flows from investing activities:

Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets

93,806,738 132,134,054

Cash received from gains from investments

9,801,829 7,735,270

Sub-total of cash inflows from investing activities

103,608,567 139,869,324

Cash paid to construct fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets

420,324,169 702,121,464

Cash paid relating to investments

- 26,586,470

Cash paid relating to other investing activities

- 220,000,000

Sub-total of cash outflows from investing activities

420,324,169 948,707,934

Net cash flows from investing activities

(316,715,602 ) (808,838,610 )

- 12 -

Company Cash Flow Statement (Continued)

January to September 2021

Prepared by: Guangshen Railway Company Limited Unit: ¥ Currency: RMB Audit type: Unaudited


First three quarters of
(January to September)
First three quarters of
(January to September)

III. Cash flows from financing activities:

Cash for distribution of dividends, profits or repayment of interest payments

- 266,065,203

Cash paid relating to other financing activities

- 45,562,500

Sub-total of cash outflows from financing activities

- 311,627,703

Net cash flows from financing activities

- (311,627,703 )

IV. Effect of foreign exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents

- -

V. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents

(14,821,727 ) (57,405,591 )

Add: Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period

1,705,232,043 1,562,333,604

VI. Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period

1,690,410,316 1,504,928,013

Chairman: Wu Yong General Manager: Hu Lingling

Chief Accountant: Luo Xinpeng Chief of Finance Department: Liu Qiyi


Relevant Information on the adjustment to the implementation of the financial statements at the beginning of such year for the first time against initial application of the new lease standards since 2021

☐ Applicable ☒ Not applicable

Board of Directors

Guangshen Railway Company Limited

28 October 2021

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Guangshen Railway Co. Ltd. published this content on 29 October 2021 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 29 October 2021 20:11:56 UTC.