The government of Poland is planning to sign a conditional agreement to sell an 85% stake or 4,675,000 shares in Kopalnie i Zaklady Chemiczne Siarki Siarkopol S.A. to Zaklady Azotowe w Tarnowie Moscicach Spólka Akcyjna (ZA Tarnowie), in Q1 2013, with the conclusion of the transaction expected in Q2, deputy Treasury Minister, Tomasz Lenkiewicz told PAP. ZA Tarnowie is the only investor left in the negotiations process, Lenkiewicz added. "We hope to finalize the sale of Siarkopol in Q2, after signing the privatization agreement," Lenkiewicz said.

"In order to conclude the deal we will need the approval of the anti-monopoly office UOKiK." The Treasury is satisfied with the price offered for Siarkopol, Lenkiewicz also said.