GET 2010/06

 28 January 2010

For release at 16:45

Information relating to the total number of shares and voting rights which form
      the share capital (Article L.233-8 II of the French Commercial Code
               and article 233-16 of the AMF General Regulations)

| GROUPE EUROTUNNEL SA (Paris : GET)          |                             |
|                                             |                             |
| Presenter / Corporate name                  | Groupe Eurotunnel SA        |
|                                             | Société Anonyme             |
|                                             | RCS Paris 483 385 142       |
|                                             | 19 boulevard Malesherbes    |
|                                             | 75008 Paris                 |
|                                             |                             |
| Number of shares in issue (1)               | 477,063,229 ordinary shares |
|                                             |                             |
| Number of voting rights Theoretical (2) (3) | 478,318,107                 |
| Date                                        | 31 December 2009            |
|                                             |                             |

Total  number of  voting rights  (3) at  31 December 2009, and not including the
shares for which voting rights have been suspended: 463,562,977

                                    * * * *

(1)  The share capital is  set at an amount  of one hundred ninety million eight
hundred  and twenty five thousand two hundred and ninety one euros and sixty one
cents (EUR190,825,291.61).  The share capital is divided into 477,063,229 ordinary
shares  of a nominal  value of EUR0.40  each (A Shares),  fully paid up  and one B
preference share, fully paid up of a nominal value of EUR0.01 (B Share).

(2)Theoretical  Number: calculated  on the  basis of  all shares,  including the
shares for which voting rights have been suspended.

(3)  In accordance with article  27-8° of the Company's constitutional document,
"Each member has the same number of votes as the number of shares in the Company
that he holds and represents, whether in his name or by proxy, without limit".

The  two year period set out in the financial press release of 12 November 2007
having  expired, Groupe Eurotunnel SA had  the unclaimed shares sold. Therefore,
there  is no need to make any  distinction between the voting rights attached to
the consolidated shares or unconsolidated shares.

 A   double   voting  right  is  set  out  under  Article  11 of  the  Company's
constitutional  document "As from the date  of admission of the Company's shares
to  trading on a regulated market, a voting right double that which is conferred
on other A Shares, by reference to the fraction of share capital they represent,
is  attributed, under the conditions provided by applicable law and regulations,
to  all fully paid-up A Shares which can be  shown to have been held by the same
shareholder  in registered form for two years (such two year period running from
the  date  of  admission  of  the  Company's  shares  to  trading on a regulated


    Total Voting Rights: