Group Eleven Resources Corp. announced the results from an initial re-interpretation of existing seismic data at the Ballinalack zinc-lead project in Ireland. The Project is a joint venture between Group Eleven (60% equity interest) and Shenzhen Zhongjin Lingnan Nonfemet Company Limited (Nonfemet; 40% equity interest), a China-based mining and processing company, representing one of the zinc producers in the world. The study has led to a new interpretation of the regional structure of the Ballinalack property, specifically in the vicinity of the historical estimate (7.7 million tonnes grading 7.3% Zn+Pb 1). Highlights of the study: In addition to the Ballinalack fault, which is adjacent to the historical estimate and dips to the NW, there appears to also exist a seemingly larger, hitherto unrecognized structure that dips to the SE; This new interpretation places known Ballinalack mineralization in the footwall of the New Fault rather than its hanging wall; Given the best mineralization in Ireland is most commonly found in the hanging wall of major faults, the re-interpretation has potentially significant implications for further exploration at the project, especially SE of the historic estimate; The author of the study, Dr. Alastair Beach, was a key contributor on the seismic interpretations that led to the recent discovery of the Tara Deeps at the Tara (Navan) Mine, 50 km from Ballinalack.