Gresham House Energy Storage Fund plc has completed the acquisition of a 25MW battery project located in North Shields, Tyne and Wear ("Tynemouth" or the "Project"). Tynemouth follows GRID's recent acquisitions of the 50MW Wickham and 50MW Thurcroft projects and was acquired from Enel Global Thermal Generation S.R.L. Tynemouth is a battery-only site with c.25MW export/import capacity and is connected to the distribution network. It was commissioned in 2018 and generates availability-based contracted revenues from Enhanced Frequency Response services provided to National Grid. In addition, the construction of the 10MW expansion of the Glassenbury portfolio project in Kent, announced in February 2020, was recently completed and is expected to be commissioned by 31 January 2021. This extension is shown below as Glassenbury B and will increase the operational capacity at the site of the original Glassenbury project to 50MW.