3/2015 Threshold of significant agreement exceeded

The Management Board of Gremi Media S.A informs that, on February 27, 2015 the total value of agreements concluded between Gremi Media S.A. (including its subsidiary Gremi Sukces Sp. z o.o.) and subsidiaries of Mr. Grzegorz Hajdarowicz exceeded the threshold of significant agreement and amounted to PLN 16,991,926 (amount exceeding 10% of the Issuer?s equity).

The agreement with the highest value is the agreement concluded on February 27, 2015 between Gremi Sukces Sp. z o.o. and Gremi Business Communication Sp. z o.o.

The subject of the agreement is determination of general rules of mutual services? provision by Parties, including: publishing services, sales of advertising space, graphic services, organization of publishing events? projects, sales of subscriptions, promotion of web portals and press titles, and other described in details in the agreement.

The agreement was concluded for the period from March 1, 2015 to December 31, 2015. Total value of remuneration of Parties for the entire period of the agreement is estimated for gross PLN 10,519,264, including value of remuneration of Gremi Sukces Sp. z o.o. in the amount of PLN 7,543,648 gross.

The agreement does not provide for contractual penalties, and is unconditional.

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