Ad-hoc Release by the Greiffenberger AG (WKN 589 730 / ISIN DE0005897300) 

Greiffenberger AG - Detailing and revision of the 2013 turnover and earnings forecast

Marktredwitz and Augsburg, November 5, 2013 - The Greiffenberger Group is detailing the turnover range for full-year 2013 at between € 152-156 million, revising the forecast slightly down therefore. By way of comparison in the forecast in effect to date the Greiffenberger Group had calculated turnover for fiscal year 2013 to be between € 156 -160 million; in fiscal year 2012 the turnover stood at € 158 million. As a result of the expected turnover effect, primarily in the 4th quarter, the 2013 EBIT is calculated at between € 4.3 - 5.8 million. As before, this figure includes the planned one-time expenses of € 1.7 million for starting up ABM's new plant in the Polish city of Lublin. ABM will begin production in Lublin as planned in the fourth quarter of 2013.

The Greiffenberger Group increased turnover in the 9-month prior period quarter-on-quarter. Nevertheless the company is at present calculating that turnover planned for 2013 will transfer into 2014, meaning that turnover for the current 4th quarter, and thus earnings too, is expected to be temporarily more restrained. Despite incoming order levels being intact overall and a high volume of orders on hand within the Group the 2013 forecast needs to be revised to take this into account.

Note: The Greiffenberger Group will publish its interim announcement for the first nine months of 2013 on November 7, 2013.

Contact information:

Stefan Greiffenberger

Thorsten Braun

CEO of Greiffenberger AG

Assistant to the CEO

Eberlestraße 28

86157 Augsburg

Tel.: +49 (0) 821/5212-261

Fax: +49 (0) 821/5212-275

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