The Holiday season is upon us and Liberia's leading Sports Betting Company has started its tradition of identifying with hundreds of disadvantaged Liberians, sharing food and non-food items as the nation embraces the Christmas season.

For Winners Inc., putting smiles on the faces of disadvantaged children, youth and adults is part of the company's way of giving back. The gifts of food and clothing valued well over $15,000.00 (Fifteen Thousand United States Dollars) started on Saturday, December 5, 2020, and have benefitted Calvary Orphanage Mission Home in Kebbah, Barnesville, Sis Lye Children Orphanage Home also in Barnesville, Comfort K. Toe Orphanage Home in Brewerville and Christian Orphanage and Agriculture Program in Brewerville.

Additional organizations that will benefit from Winners Inc.'s Christmas Charity Donations are Liberian National Association of the Blind in Tubmanburg, Bomi County, Liberia Christian Association of the Blind in Buchanan, Grand Bassa County, and House of Hope Orphanage Home in Ganta, Nimba County

According to the president of Winners Inc., in the midst of the global devastating realities of COVID-19, though Liberia has been able to weather the storm, giving back to the Liberian society is its way of affirming the government's Pro Poor Agenda because Winners Inc. sees itself as a Partner with the government and people of Liberia and must at all times play a positive role in the life of the nation and its people. Says Mr. Yacob Batshon, Winners Inc. must contribute to help make not only the season joyous for some people, but must support the Liberian economy by the creation and provision of jobs for the Liberian people.

According to the president, Winners Inc. is the only Sports Betting Company that has operations in most of the counties in Liberia and giving back to the communities across Liberia in a socially responsible way is a key attitude of the company.

The season's gifts include several hundred nags of rice, several gallons of vegetable oil, several bale of used clothing among many others with the recipients expressing thanks and appreciation to Winners Inc. The leaders of the various Orphanages and Children's Homes in responding to the kind gestures spoke of the relief the gifts would bring to the many children and adults adding that Winners Inc. has a history over the past 10 years of being consistent with its goodwill towards the disabled community in Liberia, something they believe sets Winners Inc. apart from other companies of similar operations.

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