("Gold One" or "the Company")

Media Release

BCX Gold Gives Notice of Compulsory Acquisition

JOHANNESBURG - 9 December 2013. Gold One International Limited (ASX and JSE: GDO) shareholders ("Shareholders") are referred to the announcement released on the Stock Exchange News Service ("SENS") of the JSE Limited ("JSE") and submitted to the Market Announcements Office of the Australian Securities Exchange ("ASX") on 22 July 2013, in which it was advised that BCX Gold Investment Holdings Limited ("BCX Gold") increased its holding in Gold One's issued share capital from 88.77% to 90.03%. It was further advised that by breaching the 90% level, BCX Gold had acquired the right, but not the obligation, under Chapter 6A of the Australian Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) ("Act") to compulsorily acquire all of the remaining Gold One shares ("Acquisition Shares").
BCX Gold, today 9 December 2013, lodged the ASIC Form 6024 - Notice of compulsory acquisition ("Compulsory Acquisition Notice") supported by an independent expert report with the Australian Securities and Investment Commission ("ASIC"), ASX, JSE and Gold One. In the Compulsory Acquisition Notice BCX Gold advised of its intention to exercise its rights pursuant to the compulsory acquisition provisions of the Act, to acquire all of the Acquisition Shares from the Shareholders ("Compulsory Acquisition") for A$0.30per Acquisition Share ("Acquisition Consideration") and otherwise on the terms set out in the Compulsory Acquisition Notice. Shareholders on the South African Gold One share register ("SA Register") will be paid the Acquisition Consideration based on the Australian Dollar price per Acquisition Share converted into South African Rand ("ZAR") using the spot A$/ZAR rate on the date on which the Acquisition Consideration is paid by BCX Gold to Gold One. The independent expert has opined that the Acquisition Consideration is fair.
It is anticipated that the Compulsory Acquisition Notice, independent expert report along with a covering letter to Shareholders and a notice of objection (collectively "Compulsory Acquisition Documentation") will be posted by BCX Gold, on Tuesday, 10 December 2013 to Shareholders registered on the SA Register and Shareholders registered on the Australian Gold One share register ("Australian Register") at close of business on 9 December 2013.
The Compulsory Acquisition Documentation is available for download from the Company's website hosted at, alternatively on the ASX Companies Announcement Platform.
The Compulsory Acquisition Notice sets out Shareholders rights in respect of the Compulsory Acquisition, including the right to object to the Compulsory Acquisition pursuant to the provisions of the Act by way of a notice of objection addressed to BCX Gold.
The result of the objection process is anticipated to be released on SENS on or about Tuesday, 15 January
Should the Compulsory Acquisition not be prevented pursuant to the objection process, BCX Gold will be required to make payment to Gold One of the total Acquisition Consideration, to be held in trust by Gold One for payment to Shareholders in terms of the provisions of the Act. Further correspondence regarding arrangements for payment will be sent to Shareholders by Gold One on or about 24 January 2014, confirming that the total Acquisition Consideration has been paid to Gold One and requesting Shareholders to return instructions on how they require their pro rata Acquisition Consideration to be paid. Payment will be made to registered Shareholders upon receipt of the required written instructions and any further

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documentation requested, from Shareholders or their respective Central Securities Depository Recipients
("CSDP"), stockbrokers or nominees registered as Shareholders.
Subsequent to the payment of the Acquisition Consideration by BCX Gold to Gold One and the Acquisition
Shares being registered in the name of BCX Gold, Gold One will be delisted from both the ASX and the JSE.

Payment and delisting Indicative timeline:



Date 2014

Objection period Closes


13 January

Results of objections announced on SENS and ASX


15 January

Last day to trade to be entitled to payment


16 January

Trade suspended on the ASX and the JSE


17 January

Record Date


23 January

Payment of Acquisition Consideration by BCX Gold to Gold One


24 January

Letter sent to registered Shareholders regarding payment arrangements


24 January

Delisting from the ASX and JSE on or about



30 January

1. The indicative timetable is subject to change depending on the result of the objection process. Any
changes to the indicative timetable will be announced on SENS and the ASX.
2. Between the date of the last day to trade and the date of the Record Date no transfers of Acquisition
Shares between the SA Register and the Australian Register will be permitted.
3. Gold One will be delisted from the JSE once payment to dematerialized shareholders on the SA Register has been completed.

South African Exchange Control Regulations

The settlement of the Acquisition Consideration in respect of the Acquisition Shares registered on the SA Register will be effected subject to the South African Exchange Control Regulations ("Excon Regulations"). The following is a summary of the Excon Regulations which apply to South African Shareholders holding Acquisition Shares on the SA Register. If in doubt, such Shareholders should consult their professional advisers without delay.
Residents of the South African Common Monetary Area
The Acquisition Consideration due to Shareholders who are residents of the Common Monetary Area will be dealt with as follows: