Everybody, who is somebody, is examining London with a periscope to know what will happen. Ruin, catastrophe, poverty or New Glory? 

            The latest, and very down to earth, institution which looks at Brexit London is the Rockefeller Foundation. It publishes a long study in the London Guardian and on the web, explaining that London is dominating rankings of international business competitiveness, attracts capital and labour form across the European continent and has a growth far above that of the rest of the UK. London represents the wealth of Belgium- the whole country. 

                     London,  explains the Rockefeller Foundation, is the leading centre for business, finance, education, technology and creative industries.

            Obviously, if Britain is outside of Europe -the largest world trading area- that dominance will disappear. 

            The British Bankers Association, says that, London will suffer. Obviously! 

            London has a population of 200 foreign law firms, a myriad of investment companies, stock brokers, and thousands upon thousands of advisors.

            Dublin, Frankfurt, Paris, all want to a piece of the cake. The London cultural scene which brings in millions of tourists will probably decline. 

            Many examples could be added; hundreds of opinions are available in research, in universities, in education, in art, in architecture, in medical and bio-research, showing that London has become THE capital of Europe, and that there is no way for London to remain such a capital and be outside of Europe. 

            I must say that I do not understand what the British government want; and why they want to get out. 

            Let’s hope they will explain. Soon. 

            In the meantime, in Brussels, the European negotiator, the French Michel Barnier, is waiting, but getting impatient.