Singapore Food Holdings Limited provided earnings for the year ended 30 June, 2020. For the year, the company expects to record a net loss attributable to the Shareholders for the year ended 30 June, 2020 (``FY2020'') of approximately S$2.6 million as compared to a profit of approximately S$1.5 million in the corresponding period in 2019. Excluding the listing expenses incurred in the period, the profit attributable to the shareholders for FY2020 would still represent a decrease of more than 60% as compared with the corresponding figure of the same period in 2019. The Board considers that the net loss attributable to the Shareholders is mainly due to: (i) decrease in revenue by approximately S$1.6 million due to a plunge in customer traffic flow in those area where the Group's stores are located at and prohibition of dining in at food and beverage outlets due to the safe distancing measures implemented by the Singapore government from 7 April, 2020 to 1 June, 2020 in response to the outbreak of the novel coronavirus. While economic activities that do not pose high risk of transmission were allowed to be re-opened in phase one of the resumption of business and social activities from 2 June, 2020 to 19 June, 2020, most retail outlets remained closed, and dining in at food and beverage outlets remained prohibited; (ii) the recognition of listing expenses amounting to approximately S$3.6 million, which was higher than the estimated S$2.0 million as stated in the prospectus dated 29 April 2020, mainly due to the additional professional fees, urgent printing costs and legal search fees unexpected at the time; and (iii) the impact of the increase in fees for the post listing services provided by the professional advisors as well as the increase in other losses mainly due to the increase in net foreign exchange loss, which in aggregate amounted to approximately S$0.5 million.