Global Energy Resources International Group Limited announced that in reference to the announcement of Global Energy Resources International Group Limited (Company) dated 3 July 2018 (Announcement) in relation to the appointment of Ms. Xie Bin (Ms. Xie) as Co-CEO (Ms. Xie's Appointment) and re-designation of Ms. Ma Jian Ying (Ms. Ma) from the chief executive officer of the Company (CEO) to Co-CEO (Ms. Ma's Re-designation). As disclosed in the Announcement, Ms. Xie's Appointment is subject to the issue of the Employment Visa to her by the Immigration Department and the effective date of Ms. Xie's Appointment will commence on the next business day after the issue of the Employment Visa. The Board hereby announces that Ms. Xie's Appointment was effective on 16 August 2018.

As disclosed in the Announcement, Ms. Ma's Re-designation is subject to Ms. Xie's Appointment. The Board announces that Ms. Ma's Re-designation was effective on 16 August 2018. Ms. Ma was first appointed as an executive Director on 15 September 2017 and elected as the CEO on 1 November 2017.

Ms. Ma is the sister-in-law of Mr. Chen Ping, the chairman of the Board and an executive Director.