The Board of Directors in Gjensidige Forsikring ASA has appointed Geir Holmgren as new Chief Executive Officer (CEO) in Gjensidige. He will succeed Helge Leiro Baastad who has led the Group since 2003. Holmgren will assume the position on 2 January 2023. Helge Leiro Baastad will retire from the position in accordance with his employment contract. He will continue to hold the role of CEO until Geir Holmgren joins Gjensidige. Geir Holmgren (50) is currently a member of Storebrand's Executive Management Team, responsible for Corporate Market. He is also Managing Director of Storebrand Life Insurance. He has been employed by the Group since 1997 and held numerous management positions. Holmgren has been a member of the Executive Management Team in the last ten years, with among others Nordic responsibility
for Guaranteed Pension and Product and Customer Services respectively, in parallel with holding the position of Managing Director of Storebrand Life Insurance. Holmgren holds a Cand. Scient degree from the University of Oslo. He has also completed a business management course at Griffith University in Brisbane, Australia.