Leonid Mikhelson, Chairman of the Management Board of NOVATEK, Chairman of the Board of Directors of SIBUR; Ruben Vardanian, President of LLC Vardanyan, Broitman & Partners (Independent Director); Alexander Dyukov, CEO of Gazprom Neft; Dmitry Konov, CEO of SIBUR, Chairman of the Management Board of SIBUR Holding, Chairman of the Management Board of SIBUR; Denis Nikienko, General Director of OOO Ladoga Management; Vladimir Razumov, Deputy Chairman of the Management Board and Executive Director of SIBUR; Ilya Tafintsev, Strategic Projects Director of NOVATEK; Gennady Timchenko, Member of the Board of Directors of SIBUR Holding, Member of the Board of Directors of NOVATEK; Kirill Shamalov, President at OOO Ladoga Management; Chang Zhenyong, Vice President and Head of Chemical Division at Sinopec. Kirill Dmitriev, CEO of the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF), was not re-elected to the Board of Directors because of his application to resign from the Board of Directors of PJSC SIBUR Holding submitted on 9 December 2015.