VirtualTek Corporation (KOSDAQ:A036620) agreed to acquire 30% stake in Tomato Solution Co., Ltd. from etomato Co. Ltd. for KRW 3.3 billion on December 21, 2017. VirtualTek Corporation will acquire 0.11 million shares and pay KRW 2.6 billion in cash and 0.61 million in treasury shares. VirtualTek Corporation will pay cash on December 21, 2017 and will transfer shares on December 22, 2017. As of December 21, 2017, the consideration shares have been issued. During the year ended December 31, 2016, Tomato Solution Co., Ltd. had total assets of KRW 1.05 billion, net assets of KRW 716 million, sales of KRW 948 million, and net profit of KRW 1 million. Board of Directors of VirtualTek Corporation made a resolution in favor of the transaction on December 21, 2017. The scheduled acquisition date is December 21, 2017.