FRANKFURT (dpa-AFX) - A positive commentary by Deutsche Bank boosted the shares of the medical group Fresenius on Tuesday. They were the favorite in the DAX in the early afternoon with a plus of a good two percent to 29.46 euros.

Deutsche Bank analyst Falko Friedrichs expects good figures for the second quarter, supported by both Kabi and the Helios hospital group. Fresenius was also able to raise its outlook slightly. Fresenius plans to publish its quarterly report on July 31.

Thanks to its subsidiary Kabi with its clinical nutrition, infusion and pharmaceuticals businesses, Fresenius had already made a strong start to the year and had already raised its outlook for 2024 in May. Fresenius is undergoing restructuring after several difficult years. In future, the Group is to consist solely of the hospital division Helios and the subsidiary Kabi.

With Tuesday's price gain, the shares broke away from their 21-day line again. The shares had successfully tested this average price - a popular short-term technical chart indicator at 28.60 euros - several times in recent trading days.

There is still almost 43 percent upside to Friedrichs' target price of EUR 42. Accordingly, he continues to vote "buy"./mis/nas/jha/