Strongbow Resources Inc. announced that it has completed the testing phase on Compeer 5-29-33-02W4M. Management has approved the installation of permanent production facilities and the construction of a single well battery at the well site. The company intends to commence transport and installation of production storage tanks, and a separator early next week.

Construction should take about a week to complete, after which, continuous production rates are expected to commence. The company has earned eight sections of land in the Compeer Area of southeastern Alberta. The earning well, Big Lake Compeer 5-29-33-2W4, was completed and equipped for Viking oil production in August.

The well was fracture stimulated along a 1,200 meter lateral section using a 10 segment multi-fracture stimulation. The oil is light, 39 degrees API, sweet crude with a relatively high solution gas content. During the testing phase, initial production rates did not match anticipated levels.

Oil production, however, has continued to increase and is showing signs of improvement. With the permanent production facilities in place, the company will be able to measure gas production rates and establish whether it would be economical to recover and sell the solution gas. If not, then the gas would be used to fuel the pump jack and heaters on site.

Currently the company is expecting daily 'flowing production rates' equivalent to 5 to 15 barrels of oil per day. It anticipates this rate will increase with the continuous production of the well. Based on performance of other Viking oil wells in the area, initial production rates have tended to increase over time.