Strongbow Resources Inc. announced that it completed the installation of permanent production facilities on its recently drilled Big Lake Compeer 5-29-33-02 W4M well. The well was horizontally drilled into the Viking formation. During drilling the well encountered light oil shows from the Viking formation.

A ten stage multi-zone nitrogen aided fracture stimulation was made over the entire 1,000 meter long lateral section of the well. The well was initially tested in November 2012, however, due to high solution gas ratios, proper wellhead separation and fluid storage facilities needed to be installed. This was recently completed and the well was placed on production test at the end of the first week of March 2013, producing light (42deg API) oil.

Production rates have been variable as it is in early stages of testing. IP rates were in excess of 60 barrels of oil per day based upon short flow periods, and the well needs to be production tested for a longer period of time.