FIGEAC AERO (mnemo: FGA), a major partner for leading aerospace companies announces the publication of its Shareholder Newsletter.

Contents of this second issue:

  • A word from Jean-Claude Maillard Chairman & Founder of Figeac Aéro;
  • Acquisition of Auvergne Aéronautique;
  • Buoyant business trend;
  • Workshop awarded the “showcase of Future Industry” accreditation;
  • 2016/17 H1 results.

The Shareholder Newsletter is available on the company's website at: (Investors section).

Next publication date: January 31, 2017 (after stock market closing), 2016/17 Q3 revenue



The FIGEAC AÉRO Group, a leading partner of major aerospace manufacturers, specialises in the production of light alloy and hard metal structural parts, engine parts, landing gear parts and sub-assemblies. An international group with a workforce of nearly 3,000 employees, FIGEAC AÉRO operates in France, the United States, Morocco, Mexico and Tunisia. In the year ended 31 March 2016, the Group reported annual revenue of €252.3 million. Its year-end order backlog was €3.9 billion.



Jean-Claude Maillard
Chief Executive Officer
Phone: +33 (0) 5 65 34 52 52
ACTUS Finance & Communication
Corinne Puissant
Analyst/Investor Relations
Phone: +33 (0)1 53 67 36 77
Jean-Michel Marmillon
Press Relations
Phone: +33 (0)1 53 67 36 73

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