Evofem Biosciences, Inc. announced the appointment of Jenny Yip, a Managing Partner at life sciences investment fund Adjuvant Capital, to its Board of Directors. The appointment of Ms. Yip as a director expands the Board from five to six independent directors. Ms. Yip has twenty years' experience in venture capital and finance.

In her role at Adjuvant Capital, she oversees several of the firm's investments with a significant focus on women's health. Previously, Ms. Yip was a Partner at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Strategic Investment Fund. At the Gates Foundation, Ms. Yip led a number of investments and worked with a wide range of stakeholders across health and education to forward the Gates Foundation's strategic priorities.

Ms. Yip graduated magna cum laude from Harvard University with an AB in History of Science and resides in San Francisco, California with her husband and two young children.