Event brings together 380 investors and 200 listed companies from across Europe

Paris, Lyon - 8 January 2015 -Euronext and EnterNext, the Euronext subsidiary designed to promote and grow the market for SMEs, will be sponsors of the 18th Oddo Forum on 8-9 January at the Centre de Congrès in Lyon, France. This year's event is shaping up to be another outstanding success, with over 850 delegates including 200 listed companies and 380 investors.

First held in 1997, the Oddo Forum was created to bring together investors and issuers as the new year gets under way. More than 4,000 individual meetings are scheduled over the two-day event, enabling listed companies to link up with current and potential investors. This year's Forum will offer unlisted companies a new workshop on stockmarket listing, including presentations by experts and input from listed companies and investors.

As the Forum began, Eric Forest, Chairman and CEO of EnterNext, said: "We are delighted to be here in Lyon for this year's Oddo Forum, an integral part of EnterNext's commitment to SMEs, which clearly contributes to our goal to assist them and strengthen the dialogue between investors and listed companies."

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