From September 1, 2022, Eolus's Group Management will expand with the addition of Magnus Axelsson, COO, Michiel Messing, Head of Delivery & Construction, and Heléne Sebrén, Head of HR. As such, Eolus's Group Management will consist of: Per Witalisson, CEO, Magnus Axelsson, COO, Catharina Persson, CFO, Heléne Sebrén, Head of HR, Karin Wittsell Heydl, Head of Communications, Sustainability & IT, Karl Olsson, General Counsel, Michiel Messing, Head of Delivery & Construction. As previously communicated, Magnus Axelsson will take office as new COO on September 1. Heléne Sebrén has held the position as HR Manager since 2020 and Michiel Messing joined Eolus as Head of Delivery & Construction in 2021.