For the first time, the public Regional and Autonomous Provincial Information & Communication Technology companies and the most important players in the sector discuss and propose a joint manifesto of action to aid the advent of a National Health Service 3.0.

With this objective, a collaborative spirit and in a pre-competitive spirit, Assinter Italia with the Engineering Group, Dedalus s.p.a., Santer Reply s.p.a., Consorzio Health Innovation Hub, Data Management s.p.a, Exprivia s.p.a. and the NoemaLife Group, that has publicly adhered on the same occasion, met today in Rome to present an open manifesto for all the operators involved, to the Government and competent Ministers.

'Digital healthcare is worth 110 million Euro per year: if there is not adequate transfer over to digital, there is not only the risk that the goals set out in the Growth Strategy approved by the Government will be achieved, but our health welfare will also be affected. Like in house ICT companies belonging to Regions and Autonomous Provinces - explains the Assointer President, Clara Fresca Fantoni - our action is complementary to that of the Regions. From today's table, there can be a drive that can give new impulse to the development of digital healthcare, placing the citizen at the center, a new role for public companies and increase in value of the market. Today, all of us are witness to our desire together with the leading companies of the sector. As such, this initiative' - concludes the President - 'has been thought to be open to all the companies and the subjects involved in development of the country'.

Dario Buttitta, Director General of the Public Administration and Healthcare at Engineering, returning to the theme of the public that projects through the market: 'This program is an innovative laboratory that combines excellence of Italian private companies with the PA, with the aim of overcoming the old paradigm of computerizing healthcare, placing the citizen at the heart of the process. It is a challenge that has to start in Italy, to then take our ideas and projects overseas too: for Engineering, it is an undertaking and a privilege to take up the challenge and cooperate with the other companies in order to win it'.

Antonio Ingroia, the public-private Assinter Italia team manager, defined 'the work presented as a frontier of innovation, the beginning of a concrete, tangible path. The public administration can and must collaborate with the private sector: we need flexibility and simplification, in transparency and rules. The technical table is working to produce a proposal for law that strengthens the public-private partnership, to submit and use to challenge politics, parliament, the law-making body and government, while observing roles'.

The political world has also reacted to the initiative. At the press conference today, Senator Franco Panizza was also present. He spoke of the available tools, and in particular of the Tender Contract Code, saying they were 'more than ever to be integrated into the challenges that digital innovation are placing before us. The topic of public procedures - continued Senator Panizza - must allow the Public Administration to approve and realize projects in a timescale consistent with technological innovation and to use modern public-private partnership mechanisms, guaranteeing transparency and rapidity.
I wish everyone well in their work. The healthcare sector is so important. The political sector will provide full support to the operation'.

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