The Board of Elsight and the Company's senior management announced that it has received and accepted the resignation and retirement of Mr. Nir Gabay, the Company's Founding CEO and Managing Director. Mr. Gabay has decided to retire and leave the Company and the Board for personal reasons at the end of this month. He has served as CEO and leader for the past 10 years, including more than three years as CEO of the public company. Mr. Gabay chose this time to retire as Halo, its product, concluded its development and certification phase. This also coincided with the strong focus on manufacturing ramp up and commercial rollout. At the same time, the Company announces the appointment of its current COO, Mr. Yoav Amitai as CEO. Yoav has been with the Company for almost 4 years and during this time has gained tremendous exposure to all facets of the Company's operations as well as being intimately involved with all the Company's commercial activities. As a result of his exceptional performance, skills and qualities, Yoav was rapidly promoted from the executive ranks to become the Company's COO. Prior to his position as COO, Yoav served as the Company's Operations Manager, and Chief Innovation & Product Officer (CIPO).