Pursuant to Article 2.6.2 of the Borsa Italiana S.p.A. Market rules, EI Towers S.p.A. publishes the

Financial calendar 2013 of the Company:
March 21, 2013
Board of Directors meeting to approve the draft 2012
Financial statements
April 18, 2013 (single session)
General shareholders' meeting to approve the 2012 Financial
May 9, 2013
Board of Directors meeting to approve 1Q2013 results
July 30, 2013
Board of Directors meeting to approve 1H2013 results
November 7, 2013
Board of Directors meeting to approve 3Q2013 results

The Company exercises the right not to publish the interim report for the fourth quarter of 2012.Therefore the annual financial report will be available to the public within 90 days of the end of the financial year.

Prompt notice will be given of any changes to the aforementioned information.

For more information please contact:

EI Towers S.p.A.

Massimiliano Cominelli
Head of Investor Relations
Tel: +39 039 24321
Community - Communication Consultants
Giorgio Maugini
Tel. +39 02 89404231
Marco Rubino
Tel. +39 02 89404231 Mobile. +39 335 6509552


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