Ehave, Inc. has signed a partnership agreement with Cognitive Apps Software Solutions Inc. for its Artificial Intelligence- (AI) based Workforce Mental Health Analytical Platform. The terms of the agreement provide Ehave with the rights to exclusively offer the Cognitive Solutions platform to all psychedelic applications and endeavors in the G20 countries. Ehave will offer psychedelic companies the AI-based platform as a means of providing actionable insights into the workforce dynamics and mental health of its employees and patients. The platform provides instant, data-driven and actionable insight into the workforce dynamics and mental health of employees and patients. The tool is in the form of an app, which was designed by an MD and PhD-qualified psychiatrist using diagnostic techniques approved by the American Psychiatric Association and the World Health Organization. The app is an AI-controlled mental health monitoring tool based on voice tone and context analysis of an employee or patient's 5-second audio or text messages daily to analyze his or her tone and emotional state. The platform is based on Apple HealthKit and GoogleFit for data processing and background mental health monitoring, considering factors like physical activity, surrounding noise, work-life balance and sleep. Employee data is not stored but instantly deleted after the analysis and all storage and data solutions are HIPAA and GDPR-compliant.