Notice to the Market

São Paulo, January 7th, 2013 - EDP Energias do Brasil S.A. ("EDP" or "Company") ("BM&FBOVESPA: ENBR3") announces to the market that in this date, the Company´s shares became part of the Bovespa index with participation of 0.645%. The new Ibovespa portfolio is now composed of 69 stocks.

The Bovespa Index ("Ibovespa") is one of the main indicators of the Brazilian stock market's performance. The relevance comes from the facts of Ibovespa portray the behavior of stocks traded on BM&FBOVESPA of the listed companies more representative of the Brazilian economy.

Miguel Dias Amaro

Vice President of Finance and Investors Relations and Management Control

Investor Relations Team

Maytê S. D. Albuquerque Marilia Barbosa Nogueira Anna Luisa Bacellar

Kassia Orsi Amendola

Felipe Joaquim Martins de Souza

+55 (11) 2185-5907


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