Publication in accordance with Article 15 §. 1, section 1 of the Act of 2 May 2007 ("the Act") on the disclosure of major shareholdings in listed companies (Loi relative à la publicité des participations importantes dans des émetteurs dont les actions sont admises à la négociation sur un marché réglementé et portant des dispositions diverses / Wet op de openbaarmaking van belangrijke deelnemingen in emittenten waarvan aandelen zijn toegelaten tot de verhandeling op een gereglementeerde markt en houdende diverse bepalingen).

  • Following the cancellation of 6.014.892 treasury shares decided by the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of 31 December 2013, the capital of Econocom Group SA/NV is represented by 106.517.314 shares.
  • Total number of securities granting voting rights: 106.517.314.
  • Total number of existing voting rights: 106.517.314 (denominator)
  • On 31 December 2013, the company holds 625.829 own shares, of which the voting rights are legally suspended.
  • To date, the options granted and not exercised give right to 7.992.000 shares.
  • To date, the total number of outstanding bonds convertible or exchangeable in new or existing shares (OCEANEs) amounted to 3.735.730. Each bond can be converted into four shares of Econocom Group. The conversion may lead, if applicable, to a transfer of own shares or an issuance of new shares in favour of the bondholders. If all bonds would be converted in new shares, 14.942.920 new shares granting voting rights would be issued.
  • In relation to the legal thresholds, the company has not registered additional thresholds in its articles of association.

In accordance with the Act, notifications of major shareholdings must be send to us by email to the attention of Galliane Touze at :
All questions relating to the above can be transmitted to:

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