The size of the Dutch online consumer market of ink-cartridges and laser-toners
          is estimated to be worth approximately EUR40 Million annually

Rotterdam, 2009-12-19   was   today   launched   in  the  Netherlands.  Like  in  Germany,  Dutch version  offers toners  and cartridges  that are compatible
with  over 7,000 printers, copy and fax machines. Among various payment options,
the  Dutch site  offers customers the  possibility to pay via iDeal:
the  most popular online payment method in  the Netherlands.  In order to offset
CO2 emissions, in Holland also plants one tree for each order.

The  Dutch B2C online market for ink cartridges and laser toners is divided into
various  segments where is very  well positioned to gain significant
market shares in the future. Approximately 65% of the Dutch online market can be
characterized  as ?low-cost?.  This is  a segment  that is very well
positioned  to  compete  in  due  to  the  low  cost  base  of  its products, in
combination with the portal?s wide product range, offering toners and cartridges
for over 7,000 print, fax and copy machines.

Moreover,  approximately 5% of the  Dutch online market  is made up of so-called
environmentally  friendly consumers.  This proportion  of ecologically conscious
Dutch  consumers is growing fast and, thanks to green approach, it
is  expected that  Printle will  gain significant  market share within the Dutch
green  online  segment.  Also,  this  target  group  is relatively easy to reach
because  of low online competition and due  to the fact that the environmentally
friendly  Dutch online consumers are relative easy to locate via targeted online
marketing campaigns.

For more information, contact: 

About visit <> is an extensive online portal with an ecological approach. It offers
environmentally  friendly  toners  and  cartridges,  primarily  for the consumer
markets  in Germany and in  the Netherlands. The portal  covers more than 7,000
different   printer   models   for   printer,  copy,  and  fax  machines.  Among  many unique features,  and in order  to offset CO2 emissions, the
company plants one tree for each and every order that is placed on the website.

Also, offers a sophisticated  Loyalty Program called PrinTrees. The
program  rewards returning buyers with loyalty  points. PrinTrees works the same
way  as a Frequent Flyer  Program. The more customers  buy, the more points they
automatically collect. The website, available in Germany and in the Netherlands,
also  contains extensive and  transparent information about  the impact that the
toner  and  cartridge  industry  has  on  the  environment. Finally,
contains  several sections that  include useful tips  and recommendations of how
consumers can become more environmentally friendly.

About   Mother   Company,   Eco   Supplies   Europe   AB:  visit <>
Eco  Supplies Europe AB is a  fast growing, profitable, holding company involved
in  the B2B  and B2C  sales of  environmentally friendly  print supplies  of the
highest   quality.   The   Group?s   B2B   divisions,  European  Office  Systems
(   <>)   and   Direct  Printer  Service
(  <>)  form two
of  Europe?s market  leaders in  the telemarketing  sales of  high quality print
supplies  for businesses throughout Europe. Since  the start, the companies have
served more than 110,000 corporate customers and they are expanding fast. In the
B2C  area, and during  November of 2009, Eco  Supplies launched its new consumer
portal     in     Germany    and    in    the    Netherlands:
