eBay Enterprise announced the availability of a Ship-from-Store SaaS solution: a game-changing initiative that retailers can deploy within 99 days to most effectively leverage their physical store inventories while gaining advantages in margin and shipping cost. Effective omnichannel capabilities significantly boost sales, enhance the consumer experience and improve customer retention rates. With 77% of consumers expecting retailers to provide a consistent, integrated experience between their in-store and online channels, ship-from-store and in-store pickup will empower retailers to continue to compete in an omnichannel landscape and meet their customers' evolving needs.

Ship-from-Store benefits for both retailers and consumers include: Decreased delivery costs and times for customers by routing shipments from the nearest possible physical location. Optimized order fulfillment through physical storefront inventory, expediting the ability for retailers to debut new products. Maintain profit margins by turning store inventory online, as opposed to in-store merchandise markdowns to move inventory.