Providence Resources Corp. and Eagle Plains Resources Ltd. announced receipt of results from the 2011 soil sampling program on the Iron Range Project. Results from the extensive program (4,233 samples) validate historical soil anomalies and identify additional prospective areas. Historical anomalies in the Row and Canyon target areas have been confirmed - these targets have been selected for drill testing in 2012. The remainder of the anomalies identified in the 2011 survey will be ranked and field evaluated as part of the 2012 Iron Range exploration program. The 2011 soil sampling results build upon historical geochemical surveys by confirming, infilling and/or expanding historical anomalies. The highlights of the program are listed below: Confirmation soil sampling on the Row Target has validated the historical dataset by producing a coincident lead-zinc-arsenic anomaly similar in scale and intensity to the historical dataset. This target will be drill tested in 2012. Infill soil sampling in the Canyon target area produced a robust arsenic anomaly measuring 1 km by 0.7 km with coincident gold, lead and zinc anomalies. Gold mineralization discovered along the southern margin of this anomaly in 2010 confirms the presence of gold mineralization at this target area. The remainder of the Canyon Anomaly will be drill tested in 2012. Three new soil grids (Arrow East, Canyon East and Gap grids) have produced additional gold, arsenic, lead and zinc soil anomalies, which will be the followed up during a systematic surface exploration program in second quarter of 2012. The company intends to execute a full exploration program in second quarter of 2012 with the objective of systematically evaluating all existing exploration data, utilizing newly acquired geophysical data, field evaluating all resulting anomalies and ultimately drill testing the highest priority targets. Geophysical electromagnetic and gravity surveys - it is anticipated that results from this work will be available in February 2012. Winter drilling (Phase I) of high-priority geophysical and geochemical anomalies. Two targets have been identified during the evaluation of historical geochemistry and additional targets are anticipated. Field work will be completed in summer 2012 with the objective of bringing remaining targets to the drill testing stage for Phase II drilling in late 2012.